Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Am I doing something wrong here?

I ask that because this is way too easy.

I fought to do something about getting on track with my eating for some time. I wish I would have done this sooner. It is not difficult at all for me to track my food and stay within my points.

In fact, I am having a difficult time EATING all my points. I have filled my snacks and meals with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, including TONS of variety. Since most fruits and vegetables are 0 points on the Weight Watchers plan, I still have so many points to eat.

It is really important that I eat all my points to lose weight, so I am trying. I went to bed last night with 3 left and I had to push myself to use that much.

I mean, look at my breakfast:

A lot of cereal and a banana for only 7 points! 

This type of meal will keep me full for several hours. I think I may just have to start eating a bit fattier snacks, like peanut butter with my apples or adding nuts as an afternoon snack. 

I guess there are worse problems, right?

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