Sunday, July 15, 2012

I can and I will!

I started Weight Watchers again three days ago. I had been paying for the monthly online service for months and finally thought- Either use it or be fat, Nicole.

I so don't want to be fat my whole life.

Today was my weigh in day. It comes at a good time, since I just vomited my brains out for a straight day(stupid 24 hour stomach bug). I am down four pounds in 3 days!

 I had joined a gym awhile back but unfortunately it closed down.
Rather than spending the money on another membership, I am determined to use the outdoors as my workout. Summer is the perfect time for it!

I will not give up.
I will learn a healthier lifestyle to better myself and my family.
I will succeed.

What will YOU do?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hai, hai, hai!!

Did you think I gave up on this 'ol blog and weight loss in general?


As long as I am alive, I will keep striving to be the healthiest me I can be.

Here are the new developments:

1. I joined a gym and have been going- like, a LOT.
2. Because of said gym going, I have now kept off over 15 lbs! It could quite possibly be a little bit larger than 15 because at my heaviest, I wasn't really weighing myself.
3. In the month of March- I have had one friend tell me how skinny my face is getting and another friend tell me how amazing I am looking- all of which motivates me to keep on keeping on.
4. The next size down BUTTONS! It is not yet comfortable enough for me to wear the clothing beyond the buttoning, but HEY- I am getting there!!!

I am noticing myself getting stronger with each day I exercise, and I want to document my journey.
So, I will be here, in this space, more.
Care to join me?